Culture — Travel. Art. Food. Thought.

the best way

to fight

an oppressive culture

is to embrace

your own.


Curriculum of Culture

Courses from the Curriculum of Culture at The Good Woman School.


01 — what is culture?

We will briefly explore some of the world’s significant cultures and what each culture’s worldview has added to the collective consciousness of modern society. Discover new modes of thought from around the world.

02 — traveling shoes

Travel stories and learnings from adventurous women. Gain confidence and been-there advice for your own domestic and international adventures.

03 — the joy of food

Explore collected recipes, advice and lessons for those who love the stories and history behind the food as they do the food itself. Gain a greater understanding of how food preserves culture.

04 — big ideas from black thinkers

An introduction to some of the most prolific and impactful black philosopers, thinkers and artists from the 20th and 21st centuries. Broaden your own perspectives on life and culture by studying their theories.

05 — you can't outdo black people

Black culture's uniqueness is often appreciated and often imitated. This series of lessons will explore the language, style and legends of black culture and their influence on global culture.

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